Special Report


Sharing + Privacy
October 21, 2015
Intelligent and creative use of data in K-12 education is a driving force behind efforts to use digital curricula and assessments to personalize learning. Data use can be the difference maker in understanding individual students’ strengths and weaknesses. But the expanded, more sophisticated use of data has opened the doors wider for potential problems, especially regarding the privacy of student information. That rising tension between advocates for greater use of data to improve schools and people who are worried about protecting student privacy is one of the most contentious issues in education. This special report aims to give district leaders, policymakers, researchers, and education company executives a better sense of what it takes to find areas of agreement.
  • Data Educators Hope Congress Provides Clarity, Support on Privacy Issues
    Eight federal bills, amendments, or provisions related to student-data privacy have been introduced in 2015.
    Benjamin Herold & Lauren Camera, October 19, 2015
    6 min read
    School Climate & Safety Schools Learn Lessons From Security Breaches
    Schools are vulnerable to outside hacking, in-house errors, and even technology gaps at companies they work with. Yet, school systems often lack specific plans for dealing with data breaches once they occur, creating logistical and public relations challenges.
    Michelle R. Davis, October 19, 2015
    6 min read
    Data Threat of Data-Privacy Litigation Fuels District Insurance Purchases
    As more and more large, well-known companies—such as Home Depot and Target—fall victim to cyberattacks, school districts are realizing they could be next.
    Malia Herman, October 19, 2015
    6 min read
    Ronda Moncada, center, a librarian and English teacher at Hurricane High School in Hurricane, W. Va., says "training gives us the confidence we're doing the right thing."
    Ronda Moncada, center, a librarian and English teacher at Hurricane High School in Hurricane, W. Va., says "training gives us the confidence we're doing the right thing."
    Mark Webb for 91ÖÆƬ³§ÊÓƵ Week
    Data Why K-12 Data-Privacy Training Needs to Improve
    91ÖÆƬ³§ÊÓƵ experts are lamenting the lack of training opportunities for educators that they say must happen for true student-data-privacy protection.
    Robin L. Flanigan, October 19, 2015
    5 min read
    Students work through math problems at Woodland Hills Academy in Turtle Creek, Pa. The Woodland Hills school district has been working on an ambitious data-sharing initiative with the local department of health and safety.
    Students work through math problems at Woodland Hills Academy in Turtle Creek, Pa. The Woodland Hills school district has been working on an ambitious data-sharing initiative with the local department of health and safety.
    Jeff Swensen for 91ÖÆƬ³§ÊÓƵ Week
    Data Schools, Government Agencies Move to Share Student Data
    Amid an ongoing debate over the use of student data, K-12 systems have quietly begun linking children's educational records with information from other government agencies.
    Benjamin Herold, October 19, 2015
    9 min read