Teacher Quality/Effectiveness /teacher-quality-effectiveness Teacher Quality/Effectiveness en-US 2021 (c) 91ÖĆƬł§ĘÓƵ Week Thu, 27 Jul 2023 17:24:09 GMT A Recent Report Sparked Ire in the Field. One Teacher Explains Why (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-a-recent-report-sparked-ire-in-the-field-one-teacher-explains-why/2023/07 District leaders should figure out how to support teachers instead of blaming them for the pandemic’s impact on student learning. Thu, 27 Jul 2023 17:24:09 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-a-recent-report-sparked-ire-in-the-field-one-teacher-explains-why/2023/07 Teachers' Skills Took a Hit During the Pandemic, Too, Report Says /teaching-learning/teachers-skills-took-a-hit-during-the-pandemic-too-report-says/2023/07 A new report attributes students' slow academic recovery in part to teachers' ineffective instruction. Wed, 19 Jul 2023 04:01:00 GMT /teaching-learning/teachers-skills-took-a-hit-during-the-pandemic-too-report-says/2023/07 How Teacher Confidence and Emotional Regulation Can Drive Student Success (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-how-teacher-confidence-and-emotional-regulation-can-drive-student-success/2023/06 Educators also need support for their own emotional development in order to sufficiently support their students. Sun, 25 Jun 2023 14:12:21 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-how-teacher-confidence-and-emotional-regulation-can-drive-student-success/2023/06 What K-12 Can Learn from Pre-K (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-what-k-12-can-learn-from-pre-k/2023/01 Early-childhood education has valuable lessons to share with K-12. Tue, 31 Jan 2023 11:00:07 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-what-k-12-can-learn-from-pre-k/2023/01 Want Vibrant, Engaged Teachers? Give Them Professional Freedom (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-want-vibrant-engaged-teachers-give-them-professional-freedom/2022/11 A deputy superintendent explains how his district has created a stimulating environment by trusting teachers to experiment. Sun, 06 Nov 2022 14:51:54 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-want-vibrant-engaged-teachers-give-them-professional-freedom/2022/11 Districts Steer Federal Teacher-Quality Funding Into Recruitment, Retention /policy-politics/districts-steer-federal-teacher-quality-funding-into-recruitment-retention/2022/09 Efforts to recruit teachers and create "grow your own" programs are in; class-size reduction and teacher evaluation are out. Mon, 12 Sep 2022 21:32:54 GMT /policy-politics/districts-steer-federal-teacher-quality-funding-into-recruitment-retention/2022/09 It's Time to Give Feedback Another Chance. Here Are 3 Ways to Get It Right (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-its-time-to-give-feedback-another-chance-here-are-3-ways-to-get-it-right/2022/04 Teachers and school leaders have a love-hate relationship with feedback, but that's not feedback's fault. It's all in how we approach it. Wed, 27 Apr 2022 10:55:39 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-its-time-to-give-feedback-another-chance-here-are-3-ways-to-get-it-right/2022/04 Effective Teachers Are Needed 'More Than Ever Before,' New NCTQ President Says /teaching-learning/effective-teachers-are-needed-more-than-ever-before-new-nctq-president-says/2022/03 Heather Peske will take the helm of the National Council on Teacher Quality in May. Fri, 11 Mar 2022 21:43:44 GMT /teaching-learning/effective-teachers-are-needed-more-than-ever-before-new-nctq-president-says/2022/03 What It Means to 'Teach Like a Champion' in 2022 (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-what-it-means-to-teach-like-a-champion-in-2022/2022/01 Doug Lemov discusses what the recently released update to his classic work, Teach Like a Champion, has to offer. Tue, 18 Jan 2022 11:00:56 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-what-it-means-to-teach-like-a-champion-in-2022/2022/01 Teachers Deliver Less to Students of Color, Study Finds. Is Bias the Reason? /teaching-learning/teachers-deliver-less-to-students-of-color-study-finds-is-bias-the-reason/2022/01 Researchers point to lowered expectations of students' abilities as a factor and suggest systemic solutions. Thu, 13 Jan 2022 21:10:15 GMT /teaching-learning/teachers-deliver-less-to-students-of-color-study-finds-is-bias-the-reason/2022/01 Black and Latino Students Are Still More Likely to Have Inexperienced Teachers, Study Says /teaching-learning/black-and-latino-students-are-still-more-likely-to-have-inexperienced-teachers-study-says/2021/12 These disparities persist despite several years of targeted federal efforts to change that trend. Wed, 15 Dec 2021 05:00:52 GMT /teaching-learning/black-and-latino-students-are-still-more-likely-to-have-inexperienced-teachers-study-says/2021/12 One Simple Way for Principals to Boost Students’ Unfinished Learning (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-one-simple-way-for-principals-to-boost-students-unfinished-learning/2021/08 Instruction improves when teachers remain in their current grades, write researchers Heather C. Hill and Susanna Loeb. Wed, 04 Aug 2021 20:15:46 GMT /leadership/opinion-one-simple-way-for-principals-to-boost-students-unfinished-learning/2021/08 How to Improve Teaching After the Pandemic (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-reimagining-teaching-for-post-pandemic-schooling/2021/07 Figuring out how to let individual teachers do more of what they’re already good at is a powerful place to start the improvement process. Wed, 07 Jul 2021 10:00:26 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-reimagining-teaching-for-post-pandemic-schooling/2021/07 Are You a Tough Teacher? Research Shows You May Be More Effective (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-are-you-a-tough-teacher-research-shows-you-may-be-more-effective/2020/12 Students may give higher ratings to teachers who give out good grades, but that doesn't mean they're learning more. Wed, 02 Dec 2020 16:29:58 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-are-you-a-tough-teacher-research-shows-you-may-be-more-effective/2020/12 The Scramble to Find Substitute Teachers /leadership/the-scramble-to-find-substitute-teachers/2020/10 Some districts are paying bonuses, some are lowering qualifications, and one is assigning central office staff to substitute at least one day per week. Mon, 26 Oct 2020 21:10:11 GMT /leadership/the-scramble-to-find-substitute-teachers/2020/10 Yes, Teachers Are Still Being Evaluated. Many Say It's Unfair /leadership/yes-teachers-are-still-being-evaluated-many-say-its-unfair/2020/10 Teachers are navigating new technologies, adjusting to different ways of teaching, and trying to reach students who lack internet access and stability at home. Fri, 16 Oct 2020 00:16:21 GMT /leadership/yes-teachers-are-still-being-evaluated-many-say-its-unfair/2020/10 'Beyond Tired and Stressed': Teachers With Kids Strained By Lack of Child Care /teaching-learning/beyond-tired-and-stressed-teachers-with-kids-strained-by-lack-of-child-care/2020/08 Some districts that are all-virtual are allowing—or requiring—teachers to work from their empty classrooms and bring their kids. Tue, 01 Sep 2020 00:43:14 GMT /teaching-learning/beyond-tired-and-stressed-teachers-with-kids-strained-by-lack-of-child-care/2020/08 Deemed 'Essential Workers,' Some Teachers Told to Skip Quarantine After COVID-19 Exposure /leadership/deemed-essential-workers-some-teachers-told-to-skip-quarantine-after-covid-19-exposure/2020/08 In a move backed by the White House, some districts are telling teachers to come to class after they’ve been exposed to the virus, which experts say could propagate an outbreak. Fri, 21 Aug 2020 19:26:58 GMT /leadership/deemed-essential-workers-some-teachers-told-to-skip-quarantine-after-covid-19-exposure/2020/08 Low Pay and High Risk: Being a Substitute Teacher During COVID-19 /leadership/low-pay-and-high-risk-being-a-substitute-teacher-during-covid-19/2020/08 Many substitutes are weighing the costs of going back to schools, where they’ll be exposed to lots of people, under inconsistent safety protocols, and for little pay and potentially no health benefits. Tue, 11 Aug 2020 00:33:40 GMT /leadership/low-pay-and-high-risk-being-a-substitute-teacher-during-covid-19/2020/08 Don't Rush to 'Diagnose' Learning Loss With a Formal Test. Do This Instead /teaching-learning/dont-rush-to-diagnose-learning-loss-with-a-formal-test-do-this-instead/2020/08 Beware these danger zones when trying to determine what students know and need to learn this fall, experts say. Thu, 06 Aug 2020 01:20:46 GMT /teaching-learning/dont-rush-to-diagnose-learning-loss-with-a-formal-test-do-this-instead/2020/08 Worried Teachers Want to Know: What Happens If I Get Sick? /leadership/worried-teachers-want-to-know-what-happens-if-i-get-sick/2020/07 In many places, teachers are preparing to head back into classrooms without any guarantee that they will stay healthy. Some are leaving their jobs rather than take the risk. Wed, 29 Jul 2020 02:00:58 GMT /leadership/worried-teachers-want-to-know-what-happens-if-i-get-sick/2020/07 Tips for Balancing Work and Life While Teaching Remotely /teaching-learning/tips-for-balancing-work-and-life-while-teaching-remotely/2020/07 Even in the most normal of school years, teachers’ work-life balance can be tenuous. Many say it’s gotten worse since remote teaching began. Wed, 22 Jul 2020 00:01:00 GMT /teaching-learning/tips-for-balancing-work-and-life-while-teaching-remotely/2020/07 Q&A: Advice for Anxious Teachers /teaching-learning/q-a-advice-for-anxious-teachers/2020/07 Marc Brackett, director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, spoke with 91ÖĆƬł§ĘÓƵ Week about how teachers can take care of themselves and manage their stress during this uncertain time. Wed, 22 Jul 2020 00:01:00 GMT /teaching-learning/q-a-advice-for-anxious-teachers/2020/07 Mindfulness for Teachers: A Program With Proof /teaching-learning/mindfulness-for-teachers-a-program-with-proof/2020/07 A mindfulness-based intervention for teachers is one of the only such programs with a scientific foundation, showing positive effects not just on teachers’ states of mind, but on their interactions with students in the classroom. Wed, 22 Jul 2020 00:01:00 GMT /teaching-learning/mindfulness-for-teachers-a-program-with-proof/2020/07 Round-the-Clock Communication Is Exhausting Teachers /teaching-learning/round-the-clock-communication-is-exhausting-teachers/2020/07 Many teachers say they’ve been getting messages 24/7 during school closures, and that they feel pressure to be “always on” for students and parents. Wed, 22 Jul 2020 00:01:00 GMT /teaching-learning/round-the-clock-communication-is-exhausting-teachers/2020/07 Forget Self-Care for Teachers. We Are Fighting for Our Lives (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-forget-self-care-for-teachers-we-are-fighting-for-our-lives/2020/07 For many teachers facing the imminent return to school, the customary combination of nerves and excitement has been replaced by mortal terror, writes Justin Minkel. Wed, 22 Jul 2020 00:01:00 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-forget-self-care-for-teachers-we-are-fighting-for-our-lives/2020/07 Teachers Are as Racially Biased as Everybody Else, Study Shows /teaching-learning/teachers-are-as-racially-biased-as-everybody-else-study-shows/2020/06 A paper published by researchers compares teachers’ explicit and implicit biases with those of other American adults. Wed, 10 Jun 2020 00:56:09 GMT /teaching-learning/teachers-are-as-racially-biased-as-everybody-else-study-shows/2020/06 Teachers Work Two Hours Less Per Day During COVID-19: 8 Key EdWeek Survey Findings /teaching-learning/teachers-work-two-hours-less-per-day-during-covid-19-8-key-edweek-survey-findings/2020/05 More than a quarter of the nation’s school district leaders said they haven’t yet planned for next school year, according to the survey. Tue, 12 May 2020 01:45:13 GMT /teaching-learning/teachers-work-two-hours-less-per-day-during-covid-19-8-key-edweek-survey-findings/2020/05 Should Teachers Be Evaluated During Coronavirus School Shutdowns? /policy-politics/should-teachers-be-evaluated-during-coronavirus-school-shutdowns/2020/04 At least 20 states have issued guidance or waived requirements for teacher evaluations this school year due to the challenges of remote learning. Tue, 21 Apr 2020 01:56:13 GMT /policy-politics/should-teachers-be-evaluated-during-coronavirus-school-shutdowns/2020/04