Teaching Standards /teaching-standards Teaching Standards en-US 2021 (c) 91制片厂视频 Week Mon, 18 Sep 2023 20:06:35 GMT There's Still No Consensus on Accountability for Teacher Prep /teaching-learning/theres-still-no-consensus-on-accountability-for-teacher-prep/2023/09 The teacher-preparation field remains split over quality control, even as questions loom about the content prospective teachers receive. Mon, 18 Sep 2023 20:06:35 GMT /teaching-learning/theres-still-no-consensus-on-accountability-for-teacher-prep/2023/09 English Teachers Must Be Anti-Racist, National Group Says /teaching-learning/english-teachers-must-be-anti-racist-national-group-says/2021/11 The long-awaited standards from the National Council of Teachers of English emphasize teacher training in anti-racism and digital media. Wed, 10 Nov 2021 22:26:08 GMT /teaching-learning/english-teachers-must-be-anti-racist-national-group-says/2021/11 Reading Instruction: A Flurry of New State Laws /teaching-learning/reading-instruction-a-flurry-of-new-state-laws/2020/02 Many states have recently enacted laws so that teachers are well versed in evidence-based reading instruction. Here are some highlights. Fri, 21 Feb 2020 02:53:22 GMT /teaching-learning/reading-instruction-a-flurry-of-new-state-laws/2020/02 States to Schools: Teach Reading the Right Way /teaching-learning/states-to-schools-teach-reading-the-right-way/2020/02 States are passing new laws that require teachers to master reading instruction that鈥檚 solidly grounded in research. Fri, 21 Feb 2020 02:52:20 GMT /teaching-learning/states-to-schools-teach-reading-the-right-way/2020/02 Standards for Teaching American Sign Language Released /teaching-learning/standards-for-teaching-american-sign-language-released/2018/05 Long-awaited standards for teaching sign language in grades kindergarten through 12 have been released by Gallaudet University in an effort to ensure deaf and hard-of-hearing students are using sign language for critical thinking and problem solving. Thu, 10 May 2018 16:11:49 GMT /teaching-learning/standards-for-teaching-american-sign-language-released/2018/05 Make the Connection Between Learning Forward's Standards and ESSA (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-make-the-connection-between-learning-forwards-standards-and-essa/2017/07 The ESSA definition of professional learning is aligned with Learning Forward's Standards for Professional Learning. Explore the connections between the two. Thu, 20 Jul 2017 13:46:00 GMT /leadership/opinion-make-the-connection-between-learning-forwards-standards-and-essa/2017/07 Updated Teaching Standards Create Better Training Experiences (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-updated-teaching-standards-create-better-training-experiences/2017/02 To the Editor:I was encouraged to read about the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards' modernization ("Revamped National Board Process Stirs Teachers' Interest," Jan. 11, 2017). Wed, 15 Feb 2017 01:57:56 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-updated-teaching-standards-create-better-training-experiences/2017/02 2 Resolutions To Demand Better Professional Learning For All (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-2-resolutions-to-demand-better-professional-learning-for-all/2017/01 How can we signal to the marketplace that we expect all educators to experience only effective professional learning and that we won't accept anything less? Thu, 05 Jan 2017 19:33:45 GMT /leadership/opinion-2-resolutions-to-demand-better-professional-learning-for-all/2017/01 Washington State Rolls Out Standards for Teaching Computer Science /teaching-learning/washington-state-rolls-out-standards-for-teaching-computer-science/2016/12 The state's move comes as the White House releases a statement noting efforts by states, districts, and private organizations to increase access to the subject. Fri, 09 Dec 2016 22:26:20 GMT /teaching-learning/washington-state-rolls-out-standards-for-teaching-computer-science/2016/12 Award Winners Exemplify the Standards for Professional Learning (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-award-winners-exemplify-the-standards-for-professional-learning/2016/12 Meet the winners of the first Learnies awards and learn how they are working to advance effective professional learning for educators. Wed, 07 Dec 2016 18:59:51 GMT /leadership/opinion-award-winners-exemplify-the-standards-for-professional-learning/2016/12 Key Responsibilities for Central Office Staff (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-key-responsibilities-for-central-office-staff/2014/10 What are the duties of a central office staff member eager to ensure that all teachers have access to effective professional learning? The Standards for Professional Learning provide practical guidance. Fri, 10 Oct 2014 14:23:58 GMT /leadership/opinion-key-responsibilities-for-central-office-staff/2014/10 Can Conferences Be Effective Professional Learning? (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-can-conferences-be-effective-professional-learning/2014/09 Consider how conferences can align with Learning Forward's Standards for Professional Learning to ensure that conference attendance advances attendees' learning goals. Mon, 15 Sep 2014 11:49:47 GMT /leadership/opinion-can-conferences-be-effective-professional-learning/2014/09 Florida Adopts Standards for Teaching Financial Literacy /teaching-learning/florida-adopts-standards-for-teaching-financial-literacy/2014/07 Florida is the first state to adopt a set of standards developed by the Council for Economic 91制片厂视频. Mon, 14 Jul 2014 20:59:48 GMT /teaching-learning/florida-adopts-standards-for-teaching-financial-literacy/2014/07 Rubric for Teaching Common Science Standards Released /teaching-learning/rubric-for-teaching-common-science-standards-released/2014/04 The organization that helped develop the Next Generation Science Standards released a rubric for evaluating whether instructional resources are aligned to the new standards. Wed, 16 Apr 2014 13:52:31 GMT /teaching-learning/rubric-for-teaching-common-science-standards-released/2014/04 What Standards Are Indiana Educators Teaching to Today? /teaching-learning/what-standards-are-indiana-educators-teaching-to-today/2014/03 Indiana adopted the Common Core State Standards in 2010. On Monday, Gov. Mike Pence revoked them. What's a teacher to do? Tue, 25 Mar 2014 23:30:27 GMT /teaching-learning/what-standards-are-indiana-educators-teaching-to-today/2014/03 Which Standards to Implement? All or None (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-which-standards-to-implement-all-or-none/2014/02 Joellen Killion asks, "Which professional learning standards should we address as we plan?" The answer is simple, she says: The standards work as an integrated whole, so it is all or none. Mon, 17 Feb 2014 15:30:43 GMT /leadership/opinion-which-standards-to-implement-all-or-none/2014/02 Learning to Dive (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-learning-to-dive/2014/02 Learning Forward hopes that educators find joy in learning. Read how achieving outcomes from aligning adult learning with our Standards for Professional Learning are a path to joy, and then share your own moments of joy with us. Mon, 10 Feb 2014 21:12:54 GMT /leadership/opinion-learning-to-dive/2014/02 Standards Adoption vs. Adaptation: Consider the Costs and Benefits (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-standards-adoption-vs-adaptation-consider-the-costs-and-benefits/2013/11 As educators at the state level consider whether to adopt the existing Standards for Professional Learning or adapt them, Stephanie Hirsh offers these questions to avoid delaying the important work of changing practice so that student results improve. Thu, 07 Nov 2013 19:28:16 GMT /leadership/opinion-standards-adoption-vs-adaptation-consider-the-costs-and-benefits/2013/11 The Big Aha: Conditions for Effective Professional Learning (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-the-big-aha-conditions-for-effective-professional-learning/2013/10 A recent discussion with the Standards Board Committee in Ohio led to a big "aha" moment linking the seven Standards for Professional Learning with the conditions necessary for effective professional learning. Tue, 22 Oct 2013 17:11:21 GMT /leadership/opinion-the-big-aha-conditions-for-effective-professional-learning/2013/10 Teaching Standards in Central States Vary for English Learners /policy-politics/teaching-standards-in-central-states-vary-for-english-learners/2012/02 New report describes how seven states' teaching standards address needs of ELLs. Tue, 28 Feb 2012 17:15:58 GMT /policy-politics/teaching-standards-in-central-states-vary-for-english-learners/2012/02 State Group Releases Final Teaching Standards /teaching-learning/state-group-releases-final-teaching-standards/2011/04 A consortium has finalized a revision of an influential set of teaching standards. Thu, 28 Apr 2011 13:30:01 GMT /teaching-learning/state-group-releases-final-teaching-standards/2011/04 D.C. Contemplates Different Teaching Standards /teaching-learning/d-c-contemplates-different-teaching-standards/2011/01 The mayor of the District of Columbia harbors concerns that the city's IMPACT teacher evaluation doesn't account for differences in the students and schools located across the city and therefore may not be fair to teachers, The Washington Post reports. Thu, 20 Jan 2011 16:09:01 GMT /teaching-learning/d-c-contemplates-different-teaching-standards/2011/01 CCSSO Unveils Draft Teaching Standards /education/ccsso-unveils-draft-teaching-standards/2010/08 The Council of Chief State School Officers recently released a draft of professional teaching standards for public commentary. Tue, 03 Aug 2010 15:23:01 GMT /education/ccsso-unveils-draft-teaching-standards/2010/08 Voluntary Online-Teaching Standards Come Amid Concerns Over Quality /technology/voluntary-online-teaching-standards-come-amid-concerns-over-quality/2008/02 Experts are hoping that the new guidelines may help bring clarity and credibility to an industry that some analysts say sorely needs both. Sat, 01 Mar 2008 03:43:08 GMT /technology/voluntary-online-teaching-standards-come-amid-concerns-over-quality/2008/02 NSTA Adds Calif. to Project To Link Teaching and Standards /teaching-learning/nsta-adds-calif-to-project-to-link-teaching-and-standards/2002/04 The nation's most populous state is now part of the nation's largest effort to link science instruction to national standards. Wed, 10 Apr 2002 14:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/nsta-adds-calif-to-project-to-link-teaching-and-standards/2002/04 N.Y. Regents' Panel Proposes Stringent Teaching Standards /teaching-learning/n-y-regents-panel-proposes-stringent-teaching-standards/1998/06 Teachers, districts, and schools of education in New York state would all face stricter accountability measures under a plan proposed last week by the Regents Task Force on Teaching. Wed, 24 Jun 1998 14:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/n-y-regents-panel-proposes-stringent-teaching-standards/1998/06 Matchmaking Master's Program, Teaching Standards Afoot /teaching-learning/matchmaking-masters-program-teaching-standards-afoot/1998/04 Teacher-educators from across the country will gather here this month to trade ideas for overhauling their master's programs to match national standards for accomplished teaching. Wed, 08 Apr 1998 14:00:00 GMT /teaching-learning/matchmaking-masters-program-teaching-standards-afoot/1998/04 Committee Cuts Funds for Teaching-Standards Board /education/committee-cuts-funds-for-teaching-standards-board/1998/03 All the federal funding that now goes to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards would be shifted to block grants for teacher training, under a plan narrowly approved last week by the House education committee. Wed, 25 Mar 1998 15:00:00 GMT /education/committee-cuts-funds-for-teaching-standards-board/1998/03 Two Key Officials Have Resigned From National Teaching-Standards Board /education/two-key-officials-have-resigned-from-national-teaching-standards-board/1995/09 Two senior staff members have resigned from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, the privately organized group that is establishing a voluntary system for certifying outstanding teachers. Wed, 13 Sep 1995 14:00:00 GMT /education/two-key-officials-have-resigned-from-national-teaching-standards-board/1995/09 Teaching-Standards Board Tops List of Grant-Winners /education/teaching-standards-board-tops-list-of-grant-winners/1993/08 The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards is the nation's number-one grants-winning group in elementary and secondary education, according to a publication issued by the Foundation Center in New York. Wed, 04 Aug 1993 14:00:00 GMT /education/teaching-standards-board-tops-list-of-grant-winners/1993/08