Tech Purchasing /tech-purchasing Tech Purchasing en-US 2021 (c) 91ÖÆƬ³§ÊÓƵ Week Mon, 08 Jul 2024 20:35:00 GMT Los Angeles Unified's AI Meltdown: 5 Ways Districts Can Avoid the Same Mistakes /technology/los-angeles-unifieds-ai-meltdown-5-ways-districts-can-avoid-the-same-mistakes/2024/07 The district didn't clearly define the problem it was trying to fix with AI, experts say. Instead, it bought into the hype. Mon, 08 Jul 2024 20:35:00 GMT /technology/los-angeles-unifieds-ai-meltdown-5-ways-districts-can-avoid-the-same-mistakes/2024/07 Schools Can't Evaluate All Those Ed-Tech Products. Help Is on the Way /technology/schools-cant-evaluate-all-those-ed-tech-products-help-is-on-the-way/2024/06 Many districts don't have the time or expertise to carefully evaluate the array of ed-tech tools on the market. Mon, 24 Jun 2024 17:14:34 GMT /technology/schools-cant-evaluate-all-those-ed-tech-products-help-is-on-the-way/2024/06 From Chaos to Clarity: How to Master EdTech Management and Future-Proof Your Evaluation Processes /events/webinar/from-chaos-to-clarity-how-to-master-edtech-management-and-future-proof-your-evaluation-processes The road to a thriving educational technology environment is paved with planning, collaboration, and effective evaluation. Mon, 17 Jun 2024 19:04:51 GMT /events/webinar/from-chaos-to-clarity-how-to-master-edtech-management-and-future-proof-your-evaluation-processes A New Digital Divide? Low-Income Students See More Ads in the Tech Their Schools Use /technology/a-new-digital-divide-low-income-students-see-more-ads-in-the-tech-their-schools-use/2024/02 Students from the lowest-income families are the most likely to attend schools that do not systematically vet their education technology. Wed, 14 Feb 2024 22:41:16 GMT /technology/a-new-digital-divide-low-income-students-see-more-ads-in-the-tech-their-schools-use/2024/02 How 3 Districts Are Integrating Tech Into Math Instruction and What They've Learned /technology/how-3-districts-are-integrating-tech-into-math-instruction-and-what-theyve-learned/2023/09 Finding the right digital math tool for a district’s instructional philosophy, culture, and capacity is a challenge, educators say. Mon, 18 Sep 2023 04:01:00 GMT /technology/how-3-districts-are-integrating-tech-into-math-instruction-and-what-theyve-learned/2023/09 How Schools Can Avoid Wasting Money on Technology /technology/how-schools-can-avoid-wasting-money-on-technology/2023/06 A district leader shares ways to ensure ed-tech tools are worth the investment. Wed, 28 Jun 2023 23:45:43 GMT /technology/how-schools-can-avoid-wasting-money-on-technology/2023/06 Chromebooks’ 'Short' Lifespan Costs Schools Billions of Dollars, Report Finds /technology/chromebooks-short-lifespan-costs-schools-billions-of-dollars-report-finds/2023/04 Doubling the lifespan of Chromebooks would save schools $1.8 billion, a U.S. PIRG 91ÖÆƬ³§ÊÓƵ Fund report estimates. Wed, 26 Apr 2023 20:45:44 GMT /technology/chromebooks-short-lifespan-costs-schools-billions-of-dollars-report-finds/2023/04 Build an Effective EdTech Stack for Your Students /events/webinar/build-an-effective-edtech-stack-for-your-students Join respected experts to learn about best practices and possibilities for tech-enabled redesign and inclusivity. Tue, 11 Apr 2023 23:46:27 GMT /events/webinar/build-an-effective-edtech-stack-for-your-students Ed. Dept. Outlines How Schools Can Use Federal Funds to Sustain Tech Programs /technology/ed-dept-outlines-how-schools-can-use-federal-funds-to-sustain-tech-programs/2023/01 School districts can use federal funds to support digital learning programs started during the pandemic. Wed, 25 Jan 2023 15:02:25 GMT /technology/ed-dept-outlines-how-schools-can-use-federal-funds-to-sustain-tech-programs/2023/01 How Districts Can Stay Ahead of Their Aging Ed-Tech: 3 Expert Tips /technology/how-districts-can-stay-ahead-of-their-aging-ed-tech-3-expert-tips/2022/11 Now is the time to put in place plans to sustain the expanded use of technology, experts say. Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:23:09 GMT /technology/how-districts-can-stay-ahead-of-their-aging-ed-tech-3-expert-tips/2022/11 Does Your School Really Need That Technology? 7 Questions to Ask /technology/does-your-school-really-need-that-technology-7-questions-to-ask/2022/09 Ed-tech leaders are considering effectiveness, teacher satisfaction, and other factors when asking those questions. Tue, 27 Sep 2022 19:53:12 GMT /technology/does-your-school-really-need-that-technology-7-questions-to-ask/2022/09 What Schools Can Do Now to Ensure Their New Technology Lasts Beyond the COVID Cash Boom /technology/what-schools-can-do-now-to-ensure-their-new-technology-lasts-beyond-the-covid-cash-boom/2022/05 Devices bought with federal emergency funds are going to be outdated in a few years, with no new money to replace them. Tue, 17 May 2022 18:01:12 GMT /technology/what-schools-can-do-now-to-ensure-their-new-technology-lasts-beyond-the-covid-cash-boom/2022/05 VIDEO: The Tech Tools That Are Here to Stay /technology/video-video-the-tech-tools-that-are-here-to-stay/2022/03 The pandemic has forever altered the way educators and administrators do business—from checking on students’ math understanding to conducting meetings to providing mental health supports. Mon, 14 Mar 2022 16:25:51 GMT /technology/video-video-the-tech-tools-that-are-here-to-stay/2022/03 Pandemic Tech Tools That Are Here to Stay /technology/pandemic-tech-tools-that-are-here-to-stay/2022/03 Videoconferencing platforms, social-emotional-learning supports, and digital math tools took root during the pandemic, survey data show. Tue, 08 Mar 2022 22:50:07 GMT /technology/pandemic-tech-tools-that-are-here-to-stay/2022/03 Tech Purchasing Decisions Are Super Hard. New Initiative Aims to Help /technology/tech-purchasing-decisions-are-super-hard-new-initiative-aims-to-help/2021/10 ISTE and other education technology organizations are creating a hub to give district leaders in-depth information about tech products. Mon, 11 Oct 2021 20:51:53 GMT /technology/tech-purchasing-decisions-are-super-hard-new-initiative-aims-to-help/2021/10 'Is This Going to Piss People Off?' How to Make Tough Tech Decisions /technology/is-this-going-to-piss-people-off-how-to-make-tough-tech-decisions/2021/07 The reopening of schools carries with it a host of technology decisions that could have an outsized impact on students' and teachers' lives. Tue, 20 Jul 2021 14:51:15 GMT /technology/is-this-going-to-piss-people-off-how-to-make-tough-tech-decisions/2021/07 Don't Buy 'Stupid Stuff:' Essential Advice for Technology Purchasing /technology/dont-buy-stupid-stuff-essential-advice-for-technology-purchasing/2021/07 School districts have more digital devices on their hands than ever before. Here's what they can do to get the biggest bang for their buck. Tue, 20 Jul 2021 14:50:54 GMT /technology/dont-buy-stupid-stuff-essential-advice-for-technology-purchasing/2021/07 Accelerating Learning: Tech Advice to Make It Happen /technology/accelerating-learning-tech-advice-to-make-it-happen/2021/07 Accelerating learning through technology isn't as easy as putting a kid in front of a computer, experts and educators say. Tue, 20 Jul 2021 14:50:34 GMT /technology/accelerating-learning-tech-advice-to-make-it-happen/2021/07 How to Make the Best Tech Decisions for Schools: A Downloadable Guide /technology/how-to-make-the-best-tech-decisions-for-schools-a-downloadable-guide/2021/07 Identify gaps, assess available solutions, solicit input from end users, and test drive new products, services, or approaches. Tue, 20 Jul 2021 14:50:14 GMT /technology/how-to-make-the-best-tech-decisions-for-schools-a-downloadable-guide/2021/07 Optimizing Digital Learning for the New School Year /technology/optimizing-digital-learning-for-the-new-school-year As students return to school buildings, big decisions must be made about how to adjust the use of technology for the “new normal.†Tue, 20 Jul 2021 14:49:31 GMT /technology/optimizing-digital-learning-for-the-new-school-year Schools Are Flush With Stimulus Money. Will They Waste It on Unproven Technology? /technology/schools-are-flush-with-stimulus-money-will-they-waste-it-on-unproven-technology/2021/04 Districts are throwing billions of dollars at ed tech that could be ineffective, underutilized, and come with hidden long-term costs. Tue, 20 Apr 2021 18:32:16 GMT /technology/schools-are-flush-with-stimulus-money-will-they-waste-it-on-unproven-technology/2021/04 During COVID-19, Schools Have Made a Mad Dash to 1-to-1 Computing. What Happens Next? /technology/during-covid-19-schools-have-made-a-mad-dash-to-1-to-1-computing-what-happens-next/2021/04 Districts that purchased devices for hybrid and remote learning will have to determine how to use them for in-person instruction. Tue, 20 Apr 2021 17:53:09 GMT /technology/during-covid-19-schools-have-made-a-mad-dash-to-1-to-1-computing-what-happens-next/2021/04 Millions of Students Got Free Home Internet for Remote Learning. How Long Will It Last? /technology/millions-of-students-got-free-home-internet-for-remote-learning-how-long-will-it-last/2021/03 Time and money are running out on temporary agreements between districts and ISPs. Broadband advocates want a federal solution. Wed, 10 Mar 2021 05:01:10 GMT /technology/millions-of-students-got-free-home-internet-for-remote-learning-how-long-will-it-last/2021/03 Coronavirus Pushes Schools Closer to a Computer for Every Student /technology/coronavirus-pushes-schools-closer-to-a-computer-for-every-student/2020/06 As school districts equip students with more laptops and tablets than ever before, the big question is how that will reshape learning inside and outside the classroom. Wed, 03 Jun 2020 01:01:17 GMT /technology/coronavirus-pushes-schools-closer-to-a-computer-for-every-student/2020/06 Coronavirus Squeezes Supply of Chromebooks, iPads, and Other Digital Learning Devices /technology/coronavirus-squeezes-supply-of-chromebooks-ipads-and-other-digital-learning-devices/2020/04 School districts are competing against each other for purchases of digital devices as remote learning expands to schools across the country. Wed, 01 Apr 2020 23:15:45 GMT /technology/coronavirus-squeezes-supply-of-chromebooks-ipads-and-other-digital-learning-devices/2020/04 4 Big Cybersecurity Priorities for Schools: Training, Purchasing, Monitoring, and Budgeting /technology/4-big-cybersecurity-priorities-for-schools-training-purchasing-monitoring-and-budgeting/2020/03 A survey of 513 K-12 technology leaders on how they are dealing with the latest cybersecurity challenges showed that 63 percent are working on training end users. Wed, 18 Mar 2020 01:28:21 GMT /technology/4-big-cybersecurity-priorities-for-schools-training-purchasing-monitoring-and-budgeting/2020/03 Why School District Purchases and Programs Leave Teachers Cold (Opinion) /education/opinion-why-school-district-purchases-and-programs-leave-teachers-cold/2019/12 Buying impressive-seeming tools or highly touted programs won't make a lick of difference if teachers aren't using them. Rather than telling teachers what they should be using, ask teachers what will help them do their job. Mon, 16 Dec 2019 14:10:00 GMT /education/opinion-why-school-district-purchases-and-programs-leave-teachers-cold/2019/12 Austin CTO Kevin Schwartz Speaks: 5 Ed-Tech Problems and Solutions /technology/austin-cto-kevin-schwartz-speaks-5-ed-tech-problems-and-solutions/2019/10 The school district tech chief talks about helping educators avoid common mistakes, pumping up usage levels for ed-tech tools, getting tech and curriculum folks to talk to each other, and more. Wed, 02 Oct 2019 00:12:31 GMT /technology/austin-cto-kevin-schwartz-speaks-5-ed-tech-problems-and-solutions/2019/10 Baltimore County School Officials in Hot Water Over Ed-Tech Contracts /technology/baltimore-county-school-officials-in-hot-water-over-ed-tech-contracts/2017/11 A state lawmaker is calling for a review of the 113,000-student district's technology contracts following a New York Times report on possible ethical violations. Mon, 13 Nov 2017 17:18:35 GMT /technology/baltimore-county-school-officials-in-hot-water-over-ed-tech-contracts/2017/11