Telecommunications /telecommunications Telecommunications en-US 2021 (c) 91制片厂视频 Week Sat, 11 Apr 2020 00:01:15 GMT Where Are They? Students Go Missing in Shift to Remote Classes /leadership/where-are-they-students-go-missing-in-shift-to-remote-classes/2020/04 As school shutdowns extend nationwide, educators are finding that efforts to reach their families are coming up short. Sat, 11 Apr 2020 00:01:15 GMT /leadership/where-are-they-students-go-missing-in-shift-to-remote-classes/2020/04 An Unexpected Tool for Remote-Learning During Coronavirus: Public TV Stations /teaching-learning/an-unexpected-tool-for-remote-learning-during-coronavirus-public-tv-stations/2020/04 The effort amounts to a low-cost alternative and readily accessible solution for schools that have been forced to develop and implement long-term online lesson plans on the fly. Tue, 07 Apr 2020 02:02:00 GMT /teaching-learning/an-unexpected-tool-for-remote-learning-during-coronavirus-public-tv-stations/2020/04 Zoom Use Skyrockets During Coronavirus Pandemic, Prompting Wave of Problems for Schools /technology/zoom-use-skyrockets-during-coronavirus-pandemic-prompting-wave-of-problems-for-schools/2020/04 Schools across the country are evaluating their use of the videoconferencing tool, some banning it and others trying to use it safely. Sat, 04 Apr 2020 02:03:17 GMT /technology/zoom-use-skyrockets-during-coronavirus-pandemic-prompting-wave-of-problems-for-schools/2020/04 COVID-19 Is Exposing the Gaps in Our 91制片厂视频 System. Let's Start Fixing Them (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-covid-19-is-exposing-the-gaps-in-our-education-system-lets-start-fixing-them/2020/03 The coronavirus crisis is a powerful opportunity to reassess public education, write John Bridgeland and Robert Balfanz. Sat, 28 Mar 2020 02:01:02 GMT /leadership/opinion-covid-19-is-exposing-the-gaps-in-our-education-system-lets-start-fixing-them/2020/03 Ringing Endorsement /technology/ringing-endorsement/2020/02 It's hard to forget the panicky voices of the students and teachers trapped inside Columbine High School. Wed, 05 Feb 2020 00:34:00 GMT /technology/ringing-endorsement/2020/02 Tide of Comments to FCC Favored Net Neutrality, Analysis Finds /technology/tide-of-comments-to-fcc-favored-net-neutrality-analysis-finds/2018/10 A report by a Stanford researcher concludes that the overwhelming majority of public comments submitted to the FCC last year opposed a policy to dismantle Obama-era protections on "net neutrality." The report focused on comments that were not automatically generated "bots." Wed, 31 Oct 2018 00:07:49 GMT /technology/tide-of-comments-to-fcc-favored-net-neutrality-analysis-finds/2018/10 More Schools Are Using Anonymous Tip Lines to Thwart Violence. Do They Work? /leadership/more-schools-are-using-anonymous-tip-lines-to-thwart-violence-do-they-work/2018/08 There鈥檚 been a surge of interest in anonymous school violence reporting systems since the mass shooting in Parkland, Fla. Students, often the best source of information about threats, can be reluctant to report what they know. Sat, 11 Aug 2018 00:51:46 GMT /leadership/more-schools-are-using-anonymous-tip-lines-to-thwart-violence-do-they-work/2018/08 Districts Counseled on Protecting Web Access After Loss of Net Neutrality /technology/districts-counseled-on-protecting-web-access-after-loss-of-net-neutrality/2018/01 K-12 leaders are trying to prepare for a post-"net neutrality" world by reviewing their contracts with internet service providers to protect the flow of internet content. Wed, 17 Jan 2018 10:01:00 GMT /technology/districts-counseled-on-protecting-web-access-after-loss-of-net-neutrality/2018/01 Schools Making 'Extraordinary Progress' With High-Speed Internet Access, Analysis Finds /technology/schools-making-extraordinary-progress-with-high-speed-internet-access-analysis-finds/2017/09 Ninety-four percent of school districts in the nation are meeting targets for web connectivity, three years after federal officials overhauled the E-Rate program. Tue, 19 Sep 2017 16:37:01 GMT /technology/schools-making-extraordinary-progress-with-high-speed-internet-access-analysis-finds/2017/09 Hurricane-Ravaged Schools Turn to Tech to Keep Students on Track /technology/hurricane-ravaged-schools-turn-to-tech-to-keep-students-on-track/2017/09 School leaders and teachers in districts upended by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have relied on Twitter, Facebook, and learning platforms to get messages and academic lessons to families and students. Tue, 19 Sep 2017 01:03:39 GMT /technology/hurricane-ravaged-schools-turn-to-tech-to-keep-students-on-track/2017/09 Questions Over New Construction Projects Raise More Worries About E-Rate's Future /technology/questions-over-new-construction-projects-raise-more-worries-about-e-rates-future/2017/05/00000175-edcd-de5b-a77d-ffdf7c3c0000 More than 100 school districts have received letters questioning their plans to use federal E-rate funds to support construction of fiber-optic networks. Wed, 31 May 2017 00:37:05 GMT /technology/questions-over-new-construction-projects-raise-more-worries-about-e-rates-future/2017/05/00000175-edcd-de5b-a77d-ffdf7c3c0000 FCC Yanks Report on E-Rate Success /technology/fcc-yanks-report-on-e-rate-success/2017/02 The FCC rescinded a report showing its own program has helped spur falling bandwidth prices and new access to high-speed broadband for schools and libraries. Wed, 15 Feb 2017 01:14:04 GMT /technology/fcc-yanks-report-on-e-rate-success/2017/02 FCC Alters 'Lifeline' Program for Subsidized Broadband /technology/fcc-alters-lifeline-program-for-subsidized-broadband/2017/02 Following a policy reversal by the FCC, nine companies will no longer be able to participate in a federal program that offers subsidized internet access to low-income Americans. Wed, 15 Feb 2017 01:12:03 GMT /technology/fcc-alters-lifeline-program-for-subsidized-broadband/2017/02 Trump Appoints E-Rate Critic to Lead the FCC /technology/trump-appoints-e-rate-critic-to-lead-the-fcc/2017/02 Ajit Pai is a determined critic of recent decisions to increase funding for the E-rate program and of efforts to protect "net neutrality." Wed, 08 Feb 2017 21:42:31 GMT /technology/trump-appoints-e-rate-critic-to-lead-the-fcc/2017/02 Calif. Community Builds Homegrown Internet Network for Schools /technology/calif-community-builds-homegrown-internet-network-for-schools/2016/10 The network was built with the help of an FCC program called the 91制片厂视频al Broadband Service, which needs to be opened up to more schools, critics say. Wed, 26 Oct 2016 01:01:42 GMT /technology/calif-community-builds-homegrown-internet-network-for-schools/2016/10 91制片厂视频 Groups Call for FCC Action on Huge Tech Resource /technology/education-groups-call-for-fcc-action-on-huge-tech-resource/2016/10 Possibly billions of dollars worth of a public educational telecommunications resource has languished unused and unlicensed within the federal government, estimates show. Wed, 26 Oct 2016 00:59:46 GMT /technology/education-groups-call-for-fcc-action-on-huge-tech-resource/2016/10 Modern E-Rate Puts Telephones On Hold in K-12 /technology/modern-e-rate-puts-telephones-on-hold-in-k-12/2016/10 Thanks to declining state aid and disappearing federal e-rate subsidies for "legacy" technologies, districts are struggling to pay for telephone equipment and services. Wed, 12 Oct 2016 00:54:50 GMT /technology/modern-e-rate-puts-telephones-on-hold-in-k-12/2016/10 State Ed-Tech Leaders Outline Ambitious Broadband Goals /technology/state-ed-tech-leaders-outline-ambitious-broadband-goals/2016/09 Despite major strides in getting schools connected to the internet, state ed-tech leaders are calling for redoubled efforts to provide equitable access to technology. Tue, 20 Sep 2016 23:56:02 GMT /technology/state-ed-tech-leaders-outline-ambitious-broadband-goals/2016/09 FCC Expands 'Lifeline' Program to Bridge the Digital Divide /technology/fcc-expands-lifeline-program-to-bridge-the-digital-divide/2016/04 91制片厂视频 and civil rights groups hailed the move as a critical step toward closing the "homework gap" that exists between students with and without adequate Internet access. Tue, 12 Apr 2016 23:53:21 GMT /technology/fcc-expands-lifeline-program-to-bridge-the-digital-divide/2016/04 Districts Still Struggling to Equip Schools With High-Speed Internet /technology/districts-still-struggling-to-equip-schools-with-high-speed-internet/2015/11 Cost and rural settings are among the barriers as districts strive to bring fast broadband access to schools, according to a report from the Consortium for School Networking. Wed, 11 Nov 2015 01:42:00 GMT /technology/districts-still-struggling-to-equip-schools-with-high-speed-internet/2015/11 Giving Parents, and Teachers, the Right Information (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-giving-parents-and-teachers-the-right-information/2015/10 In San Francisco, two simple communication strategies are narrowing the achievement gap, write Richard Carranza, Susanna Loeb, and Benjamin York. Wed, 07 Oct 2015 02:50:47 GMT /leadership/opinion-giving-parents-and-teachers-the-right-information/2015/10 District Extends Wi-Fi to Students in Public Housing /teaching-learning/district-extends-wi-fi-to-students-in-public-housing/2015/04 The Kent, Wash., district has set up kiosks with Web connectivity across the community, including public-housing complexes, to help students take part in blended learning away from school. Mon, 13 Apr 2015 16:33:10 GMT /teaching-learning/district-extends-wi-fi-to-students-in-public-housing/2015/04 FCC Plan for 'Net Neutrality' Addresses Schools' Needs /technology/fcc-plan-for-net-neutrality-addresses-schools-needs/2015/02 The proposal, if approved Feb. 26, would for the first time regulate broadband firms that provide high-speed Internet service as though they were public utilities. Wed, 18 Feb 2015 03:01:30 GMT /technology/fcc-plan-for-net-neutrality-addresses-schools-needs/2015/02 E-Rate Undergoing Major Policy, Budget Upgrades /technology/e-rate-undergoing-major-policy-budget-upgrades/2015/01 A series of broad policy changes to the E-rate will bring billions of dollars in increased funding and a greater focus on high-speed wireless technologies to schools and libraries. Tue, 06 Jan 2015 18:47:44 GMT /technology/e-rate-undergoing-major-policy-budget-upgrades/2015/01 Wi-Fi-Enabled Bus Connects Students in Poor Calif. Community /technology/wi-fi-enabled-bus-connects-students-in-poor-calif-community/2015/01 For children in Salton City, Calif., a school bus with a Wi-Fi router parked outside their trailer park community provides the Internet access they don鈥檛 have at home. Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:26:39 GMT /technology/wi-fi-enabled-bus-connects-students-in-poor-calif-community/2015/01 Perceived Threat to Net Neutrality Sparks Furor /technology/perceived-threat-to-net-neutrality-sparks-furor/2014/11 The Federal Communications Commission, weighing new rules, received a flood of responses from educators and educational technology companies urging the agency to preserve the open Internet for schools. Wed, 12 Nov 2014 06:11:44 GMT /technology/perceived-threat-to-net-neutrality-sparks-furor/2014/11 Schools Set to Adjust to Revamped E-Rate Policies /technology/schools-set-to-adjust-to-revamped-e-rate-policies/2014/08 A new version of the E-rate program will include funding for school and library wireless-technology projects, and phase out support for services that federal officials see as outmoded. Fri, 01 Aug 2014 16:04:48 GMT /technology/schools-set-to-adjust-to-revamped-e-rate-policies/2014/08 FCC Prepares to Vote on E-Rate Overhaul /technology/fcc-prepares-to-vote-on-e-rate-overhaul/2014/07 Schools and libraries hungry for faster and more reliably funded Wi-Fi connections will be watching the July 11 open meeting of the Federal Communications Commission closely. Tue, 08 Jul 2014 15:58:54 GMT /technology/fcc-prepares-to-vote-on-e-rate-overhaul/2014/07 3 Districts Making Progress on High-Speed Internet /technology/3-districts-making-progress-on-high-speed-internet/2014/01 Experts say that fiber-optic cable is still the "gold standard" for providing schools with high-speed connections to the Internet, but for many districts, accessing complete fiber networks remains a challenge. Wed, 15 Jan 2014 02:38:58 GMT /technology/3-districts-making-progress-on-high-speed-internet/2014/01 Districts Get Creative to Build Faster Internet Connections /technology/districts-get-creative-to-build-faster-internet-connections/2014/01 High-speed fiber-optic cable is generally regarded as the best vehicle for satisfying schools' huge appetite for more bandwidth, but only about 40 percent of U.S. districts are believed to have access to it. Wed, 15 Jan 2014 02:37:48 GMT /technology/districts-get-creative-to-build-faster-internet-connections/2014/01