Translation /translation Translation en-US 2021 (c) 91ÖÆƬ³§ÊÓƵ Week Mon, 13 May 2024 04:01:00 GMT ‘A Unique Challenge’: What English Learners With Disabilities Need /teaching-learning/a-unique-challenge-what-english-learners-with-disabilities-need/2024/05 From language barriers to bilingual education program lockouts, dual-identified students face unique challenges researchers say. Mon, 13 May 2024 04:01:00 GMT /teaching-learning/a-unique-challenge-what-english-learners-with-disabilities-need/2024/05 How AI and Other Tech Tools Might be Used to Strengthen Family-School Partnerships (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-how-ai-and-other-tech-tools-might-be-used-to-strengthen-family-school-partnerships/2023/06 Too often, investing in building parent relationships is seen as a frill and not central to student learning. Thu, 15 Jun 2023 10:00:00 GMT /leadership/opinion-how-ai-and-other-tech-tools-might-be-used-to-strengthen-family-school-partnerships/2023/06 Increasing Equity in 91ÖÆƬ³§ÊÓƵ for English Language Learners in the US - SPONSOR CONTENT /sponsor/timekettle/increasing-equity-in-education-for-english-language-learners-in-the-us Timekettle Translator Earbuds are the best solution for overcoming language barriers in education Thu, 18 May 2023 04:00:57 GMT /sponsor/timekettle/increasing-equity-in-education-for-english-language-learners-in-the-us Using the Power of Language to Serve Students and Families /leaders/2022/using-the-power-of-language-to-serve-students-and-families Marifer Sager has made language translation services in the Portland, Ore., district more accessible, timely, and relevant. Wed, 16 Feb 2022 05:01:36 GMT /leaders/2022/using-the-power-of-language-to-serve-students-and-families Spanish-Speaking Students Need Support. A New Podcast May Help /teaching-learning/spanish-speaking-students-need-support-a-new-podcast-may-help/2020/08 Por Nuestros Niños, an education-focused Spanish-language radio show and podcast, could help families navigate an uncertain return to school. Mon, 31 Aug 2020 22:15:29 GMT /teaching-learning/spanish-speaking-students-need-support-a-new-podcast-may-help/2020/08 Schools Lean on Staff Who Speak Students' Language to Keep English-Learners Connected /teaching-learning/schools-lean-on-staff-who-speak-students-language-to-keep-english-learners-connected/2020/04 The rocky shift to remote learning has exacerbated inequities for the nation's 5 million English-learners. An army of multilingual liaisons work round the clock to plug widening gaps. Tue, 28 Apr 2020 00:31:22 GMT /teaching-learning/schools-lean-on-staff-who-speak-students-language-to-keep-english-learners-connected/2020/04 English-Learners May Be Left Behind as Remote Learning Becomes 'New Normal' /teaching-learning/english-learners-may-be-left-behind-as-remote-learning-becomes-new-normal/2020/03 English-learners often lack access to technology at home, experts and educators say, and their teachers are less likely to assign them to use digital learning resources outside of class. Tue, 17 Mar 2020 20:30:22 GMT /teaching-learning/english-learners-may-be-left-behind-as-remote-learning-becomes-new-normal/2020/03 Ed Dept. Toolkit Offers Guidance for English-Learner, Immigrant Parents /teaching-learning/ed-dept-toolkit-offers-guidance-for-english-learner-immigrant-parents/2019/01 The first two chapters of the department's new "English Learner Family Toolkit" delivers tips on how to enroll children in school and a offers a look at how schools in the United States differ from those in other countries. Mon, 28 Jan 2019 19:25:00 GMT /teaching-learning/ed-dept-toolkit-offers-guidance-for-english-learner-immigrant-parents/2019/01 Will Every State Offer Special Recognition for Its Bilingual Graduates? /teaching-learning/will-every-state-offer-special-recognition-for-its-bilingual-graduates/2018/07 Forty-three states and the District of Columbia offer special recognition for high school graduates who demonstrate fluency in two or more languages. Just a handful of mostly rural states have yet to be swept up in the movement. Thu, 26 Jul 2018 20:55:56 GMT /teaching-learning/will-every-state-offer-special-recognition-for-its-bilingual-graduates/2018/07 Watch: A Parent's Campaign to Break Down Language Barriers for ELL Families /teaching-learning/watch-a-parents-campaign-to-break-down-language-barriers-for-ell-families/2018/01 When Teresa Garcia's children started school, she often felt lost in translation. Her campaign for improved language services helped break down barriers for English-learner families. Fri, 19 Jan 2018 16:45:21 GMT /teaching-learning/watch-a-parents-campaign-to-break-down-language-barriers-for-ell-families/2018/01 Kids Count: Immigrants and Their Children Face Challenges on Path to Opportunity /leadership/kids-count-immigrants-and-their-children-face-challenges-on-path-to-opportunity/2017/10 Nationally, there are 18 million children who live with immigrant parents; an estimated 5 million of those children have at least one parent who is undocumented. Tue, 24 Oct 2017 20:25:04 GMT /leadership/kids-count-immigrants-and-their-children-face-challenges-on-path-to-opportunity/2017/10 Another Round of Summer Reading for English-Language-Learner Educators /teaching-learning/another-round-of-summer-reading-for-english-language-learner-educators/2017/07 For time-crunched educators looking for tips and insights on their work with English-language learners, we've curated our second summer reading list. Fri, 28 Jul 2017 17:20:00 GMT /teaching-learning/another-round-of-summer-reading-for-english-language-learner-educators/2017/07 Bilingual Children Can Distinguish Voices in Languages They Don't Know /teaching-learning/bilingual-children-can-distinguish-voices-in-languages-they-dont-know/2017/07 A New York University study examined how children process information about who is talking, and adds to a growing body of research that demonstrates the benefits of bilingualism. Tue, 25 Jul 2017 18:35:02 GMT /teaching-learning/bilingual-children-can-distinguish-voices-in-languages-they-dont-know/2017/07 Gifted English-Learners Often Ignored, Overlooked /teaching-learning/gifted-english-learners-often-ignored-overlooked/2017/07 Providing equal opportunities and access for English-learner students has long been an issue in K-12 education. An exclusive 91ÖÆƬ³§ÊÓƵ Week analysis found it's even a problem for the brightest students. Mon, 10 Jul 2017 16:30:55 GMT /teaching-learning/gifted-english-learners-often-ignored-overlooked/2017/07 Teaching and Welcoming English-Learners: New Guide Offers Advice /teaching-learning/teaching-and-welcoming-english-learners-new-guide-offers-advice/2017/05 A Teaching Tolerance primer on helping ELL students and their families offers advice on topics ranging from family engagement and anti-bias strategies to classroom culture and instruction. Fri, 19 May 2017 19:35:45 GMT /teaching-learning/teaching-and-welcoming-english-learners-new-guide-offers-advice/2017/05 District Pays Out $150K to Settle Immigrant's Discrimination Lawsuit /teaching-learning/district-pays-out-150k-to-settle-immigrants-discrimination-lawsuit/2017/04 A lawsuit filed in federal court last November by EdLaw New England alleges that the district denied the student his "constitutional and statutory rights." Thu, 20 Apr 2017 14:37:41 GMT /teaching-learning/district-pays-out-150k-to-settle-immigrants-discrimination-lawsuit/2017/04 Tool Aims to Help Schools Better Identify English-Language Learners /teaching-learning/tool-aims-to-help-schools-better-identify-english-language-learners/2017/03 A new Regional 91ÖÆƬ³§ÊÓƵ Laboratory tool aims to take some of the guesswork out of the home-language survey process used to identify students who need extra support to learn English. Mon, 06 Mar 2017 13:05:18 GMT /teaching-learning/tool-aims-to-help-schools-better-identify-english-language-learners/2017/03 Schools Often Fail to Educate, Support English-Language Learners /teaching-learning/schools-often-fail-to-educate-support-english-language-learners/2017/02 In a wide-ranging report on the state of education for ELLs, one theme is consistent: The nation's public schools must devote more resources and research to educating students who aren't native English speakers. Tue, 28 Feb 2017 16:00:15 GMT /teaching-learning/schools-often-fail-to-educate-support-english-language-learners/2017/02 A Year-End Look at Our Most-Read Blog Posts on English-Language Learners /leadership/a-year-end-look-at-our-most-read-blog-posts-on-english-language-learners/2016/12 The most popular 2016 blog posts included the Every Student Succeeds Act's impact on ELLs and research on the academic achievement of English-learners. Thu, 22 Dec 2016 17:22:42 GMT /leadership/a-year-end-look-at-our-most-read-blog-posts-on-english-language-learners/2016/12 Conn. District Set Up Enrollment Barriers for Families With Limited English /leadership/conn-district-set-up-enrollment-barriers-for-families-with-limited-english/2016/11 A federal investigation found that the East Hartford, Conn., school system failed to provide adequate language services to parents and guardians with limited English skills. Wed, 30 Nov 2016 20:38:57 GMT /leadership/conn-district-set-up-enrollment-barriers-for-families-with-limited-english/2016/11 ACT Offers First Accommodations for English-Language Learners /teaching-learning/act-offers-first-accommodations-for-english-language-learners/2016/11 In a break from past practice, ACT Inc. has announced that it will begin offering accommodations for English learners. Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:15:04 GMT /teaching-learning/act-offers-first-accommodations-for-english-language-learners/2016/11 A Primer on Helping Immigrant Students Feel Welcome in School /leadership/a-primer-on-helping-immigrant-students-feel-welcome-in-school/2016/11 Mired in controversy, a district takes steps to repair its rapport with immigrant students and their families. Wed, 02 Nov 2016 13:17:30 GMT /leadership/a-primer-on-helping-immigrant-students-feel-welcome-in-school/2016/11 An Illustrated Guide to the ABCs of English-Language-Learner 91ÖÆƬ³§ÊÓƵ /leadership/an-illustrated-guide-to-the-abcs-of-english-language-learner-education/2016/10 Available in English and Spanish, the guide is designed to help parents "ask the right questions and support your child on their journey as an English-learner." Mon, 03 Oct 2016 18:00:37 GMT /leadership/an-illustrated-guide-to-the-abcs-of-english-language-learner-education/2016/10 Native American English-Learners Target of $3 Million in Federal Grants /teaching-learning/native-american-english-learners-target-of-3-million-in-federal-grants/2016/09 The department has awarded about $40 million to schools and tribes since the Native American and Alaska Native Children in School program's launch in 2008. Tue, 20 Sep 2016 23:05:04 GMT /teaching-learning/native-american-english-learners-target-of-3-million-in-federal-grants/2016/09 Los Angeles Unified Expands Dual-Language, Bilingual Programs /teaching-learning/los-angeles-unified-expands-dual-language-bilingual-programs/2016/08 The expansion is part of an effort to teach more children in the nation's second-largest school system to read and write, not just speak, in multiple languages. Thu, 18 Aug 2016 17:51:23 GMT /teaching-learning/los-angeles-unified-expands-dual-language-bilingual-programs/2016/08 International ELL Teaching Association Seeks New Leader /teaching-learning/international-ell-teaching-association-seeks-new-leader/2016/08 TESOL International Association's executive director, Rosa Aronson, will step down in spring 2017. Tue, 16 Aug 2016 19:29:13 GMT /teaching-learning/international-ell-teaching-association-seeks-new-leader/2016/08 ELL Parents Can Boost Their Children's English Skills By Doing These Two Things /teaching-learning/ell-parents-can-boost-their-childrens-english-skills-by-doing-these-two-things/2016/08 Spanish-speaking children experience significant improvements in English-language acquisition during preschool when they have a good grasp of the letters and numbers in their home language. Fri, 12 Aug 2016 19:25:13 GMT /teaching-learning/ell-parents-can-boost-their-childrens-english-skills-by-doing-these-two-things/2016/08 How Will ESSA Rules Change 91ÖÆƬ³§ÊÓƵ for English-Language Learners? /teaching-learning/how-will-essa-rules-change-education-for-english-language-learners/2016/08 Advocacy groups and researchers are taking a deeper look at what changes may be on the horizon for English-language learners and the people responsible for educating them. Fri, 05 Aug 2016 19:35:10 GMT /teaching-learning/how-will-essa-rules-change-education-for-english-language-learners/2016/08 Lesson-Sharing Site for English-Language-Learner Teachers on the Horizon /leadership/lesson-sharing-site-for-english-language-learner-teachers-on-the-horizon/2016/07 A recent alum of the Harvard Graduate School of 91ÖÆƬ³§ÊÓƵ is developing a lesson-sharing website specifically for teachers of English-language learners. Mon, 11 Jul 2016 16:52:48 GMT /leadership/lesson-sharing-site-for-english-language-learner-teachers-on-the-horizon/2016/07 Why Getting a Student's Name Right Is Important for All School Staff /leadership/why-getting-a-students-name-right-is-important-for-all-school-staff/2016/06 The research arm of the federal education department says that getting a students' name right is necessary to ensure they're getting the services they need. Tue, 14 Jun 2016 13:04:47 GMT /leadership/why-getting-a-students-name-right-is-important-for-all-school-staff/2016/06