Trauma /trauma Trauma en-US 2021 (c) 91ƬƵ Week Thu, 12 Sep 2024 19:04:26 GMT A Resource Guide to Help Schools Move Forward After a Shooting /leadership/a-resource-guide-to-help-schools-move-forward-after-a-shooting/2024/09 Administrators have a responsibility no one wants in the wake of school violence. Here are some resources to help. Thu, 12 Sep 2024 19:04:26 GMT /leadership/a-resource-guide-to-help-schools-move-forward-after-a-shooting/2024/09 How a Principal Who Stopped a School Shooting Learned to Be Vulnerable /leadership/how-a-principal-who-stopped-a-school-shooting-learned-to-be-vulnerable/2024/08 Principal Greg Johnson talks about how his life changed after a school shooting. Thu, 08 Aug 2024 16:15:18 GMT /leadership/how-a-principal-who-stopped-a-school-shooting-learned-to-be-vulnerable/2024/08 How Teachers Who Survived Columbine and Sandy Hook Helped Their Students Recover /leadership/how-teachers-who-survived-columbine-and-sandy-hook-helped-their-students-recover/2024/08 Teachers who survived the Sandy Hook and Columbine shootings had to find a way to help their students process trauma. Fri, 02 Aug 2024 19:41:06 GMT /leadership/how-teachers-who-survived-columbine-and-sandy-hook-helped-their-students-recover/2024/08 Active Shooter Drills That Prepare But Don't Traumatize: Advice From Principals /leadership/active-shooter-drills-that-prepare-but-dont-traumatize-advice-from-principals/2024/07 Striking a balance is essential, principals say. Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:16:57 GMT /leadership/active-shooter-drills-that-prepare-but-dont-traumatize-advice-from-principals/2024/07 How Teacher Stress Management Is Crucial for Handling Student Mental Health /leadership/how-teacher-stress-management-is-crucial-for-handling-student-mental-health/2024/06 A Chicago program helps teachers learn how to manage their own stress in classes with more easily triggered students. Fri, 14 Jun 2024 21:18:10 GMT /leadership/how-teacher-stress-management-is-crucial-for-handling-student-mental-health/2024/06 When Teaching English Learners, Embrace These 3 Critical Mindsets (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-when-teaching-english-learners-embrace-these-3-critical-mindsets/2024/05 English learners will have more success if teachers adjust their thinking. Here's how. Fri, 17 May 2024 12:48:53 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-when-teaching-english-learners-embrace-these-3-critical-mindsets/2024/05 What Helped These K-12 Leaders After School Shootings /leadership/what-helped-these-k-12-leaders-after-school-shootings/2024/05 School shootings leave deep and lasting impact on the community, including those charged with leading students and staff in the aftermath. Thu, 16 May 2024 17:21:07 GMT /leadership/what-helped-these-k-12-leaders-after-school-shootings/2024/05 How to Support Students Afflicted by Trauma (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-how-to-support-students-afflicted-by-trauma/2023/11 A major goal of trauma-informed practice is to limit the negative impact on student learning and well-being. Fri, 10 Nov 2023 02:07:49 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-how-to-support-students-afflicted-by-trauma/2023/11 How Schools Can Respond When Kids Are Too Scared to Come /leadership/how-schools-can-respond-when-kids-are-too-scared-to-come/2023/10 A school psychologist has advice on how to respond to children traumatized by violence in their community. Tue, 31 Oct 2023 20:51:01 GMT /leadership/how-schools-can-respond-when-kids-are-too-scared-to-come/2023/10 'We Really Didn’t Know What to Do': How a District Regrouped After a Mass Shooting /leadership/we-really-didnt-know-what-to-do-how-a-district-regrouped-after-a-mass-shooting/2023/10 The superintendent of a community rocked by a 2022 mass shooting discusses what the district did after the violence. Mon, 30 Oct 2023 19:55:12 GMT /leadership/we-really-didnt-know-what-to-do-how-a-district-regrouped-after-a-mass-shooting/2023/10 ‘What Is a Teacher to Do?’: Returning to the Classroom After a Tragedy (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-what-is-a-teacher-to-do-returning-to-the-classroom-after-a-tragedy/2023/10 Earlier this year, an active shooter shook my campus. Here are my 3 lessons on preparing for the first day back in front of class. Fri, 27 Oct 2023 00:10:29 GMT /leadership/opinion-what-is-a-teacher-to-do-returning-to-the-classroom-after-a-tragedy/2023/10 91ƬƵ Grapple with Grief, Horror in Aftermath of Maine Mass Shooting /leadership/educators-grapple-with-grief-horror-in-aftermath-of-maine-mass-shooting/2023/10 Maine educators worried about their safety and their students after a gunman killed 18 people. Thu, 26 Oct 2023 19:40:11 GMT /leadership/educators-grapple-with-grief-horror-in-aftermath-of-maine-mass-shooting/2023/10 How Can Schools Help Students Process Racial Trauma? A New Program Provides Answers /leadership/a-new-intervention-program-helps-teachers-students-address-racial-stressors-in-schools/2023/03 The pilot program sheds light on the role schools play in helping students heal from racial trauma. Fri, 24 Mar 2023 19:07:32 GMT /leadership/a-new-intervention-program-helps-teachers-students-address-racial-stressors-in-schools/2023/03 How Schools Can Address Racial Stressors, An Expert Explains /leadership/how-schools-can-address-racial-stressors-an-expert-explains/2023/03 A Stanford researcher looks at how schools play a role in interventions for students of color dealing with racial stressors. Thu, 23 Mar 2023 21:47:45 GMT /leadership/how-schools-can-address-racial-stressors-an-expert-explains/2023/03 Math Trauma Is Real. Here's How You Can Prevent It (Opinion) /teaching-learning/opinion-math-trauma-is-real-heres-how-you-can-prevent-it/2023/03 When people hear I teach math, they often recount the one bad classroom experience that made them “check out” of math permanently. Sun, 19 Mar 2023 22:47:49 GMT /teaching-learning/opinion-math-trauma-is-real-heres-how-you-can-prevent-it/2023/03 National Panel: Kids Who Lost a Caregiver to COVID Need More Support /leadership/national-panel-kids-who-lost-a-caregiver-to-covid-need-more-support/2023/03 More than 265,000 children lost a parent or caregiver in the pandemic, the National Academies finds. Fri, 17 Mar 2023 20:22:00 GMT /leadership/national-panel-kids-who-lost-a-caregiver-to-covid-need-more-support/2023/03 This Teacher Shares Trauma-Informed Strategies on TikTok. Here Are Her Top Insights /leadership/this-teacher-shares-trauma-informed-strategies-on-tiktok-here-are-her-top-insights/2023/03 Trauma-informed care starts with meeting kids' basic needs for connection, food, and motivation. Thu, 09 Mar 2023 22:11:47 GMT /leadership/this-teacher-shares-trauma-informed-strategies-on-tiktok-here-are-her-top-insights/2023/03 Neuroscience-Aligned & Trauma-Informed Approaches to Supporting Students, Teachers & Staff /events/webinar/trauma-informed-schools-101-best-practices-key-benefits Stress and trauma-related behaviors on the rise in classrooms. Join our webinar to learn from experts on how to create safe spaces using neuroscience and trauma-informed approaches. Fri, 20 Jan 2023 22:15:14 GMT /events/webinar/trauma-informed-schools-101-best-practices-key-benefits 10 Years After Newtown Shooting: Schools, Communities Forge Rituals of Remembrance /leadership/10-years-after-newtown-shooting-schools-communities-forge-rituals-of-remembrance/2022/12 The occasion is a mix of both deeply private and public mourning. Educators can support the complexities of grief in their own communities. Fri, 09 Dec 2022 23:21:27 GMT /leadership/10-years-after-newtown-shooting-schools-communities-forge-rituals-of-remembrance/2022/12 They Survived a School Shooting. Here’s What They Want You to Know /leadership/video-they-survived-a-school-shooting-heres-what-they-want-you-to-know/2022/11 The survivors of one school shooting offer insight and advice to future school leaders dealing with similar tragedies in their communities. Thu, 17 Nov 2022 21:27:00 GMT /leadership/video-they-survived-a-school-shooting-heres-what-they-want-you-to-know/2022/11 How a School Shooting Survivor Found Healing in Activism /leadership/video-how-a-school-shooting-survivor-found-healing-in-activism/2022/11 Voting for the first time has been part of one school shooting survivor's healing process. Thu, 10 Nov 2022 21:27:45 GMT /leadership/video-how-a-school-shooting-survivor-found-healing-in-activism/2022/11 How Trauma-Informed Practice Made Me a Better Teacher (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-how-trauma-informed-practice-made-me-a-better-teacher/2022/08 Students aren’t the only ones who need help managing their emotional responses. Here’s where to start. Wed, 10 Aug 2022 20:39:54 GMT /leadership/opinion-how-trauma-informed-practice-made-me-a-better-teacher/2022/08 VIDEOS: Guiding Students Through Trauma /leadership/videos-guiding-students-through-trauma These programs are using play therapy and an SEL approach to learning to help students adjust and adapt after trauma. Mon, 25 Jul 2022 15:56:21 GMT /leadership/videos-guiding-students-through-trauma How One Family Uses Play Therapy to Address Trauma /leadership/video-how-one-family-uses-play-therapy-to-address-trauma/2022/07 Adoption can be traumatic for adoptees. One family, working with a therapist, utilized play therapy to help their daughters adjust. Fri, 22 Jul 2022 20:31:31 GMT /leadership/video-how-one-family-uses-play-therapy-to-address-trauma/2022/07 Student Trauma Rates Are Higher Than Ever. How Play Therapy Can Help /leadership/video-student-trauma-rates-are-higher-than-ever-how-play-therapy-can-help/2022/07 One program is teaching students to manage their emotions and build their communication skills at a young age through play therapy. Fri, 22 Jul 2022 20:29:48 GMT /leadership/video-student-trauma-rates-are-higher-than-ever-how-play-therapy-can-help/2022/07 This Is What Happens to a Student’s Brain When Exposed to Gun Violence (Opinion) /leadership/opinion-this-is-what-happens-to-a-students-brain-when-exposed-to-gun-violence/2022/06 Traumatized and hypervigilant brains cannot learn effectively, write a behavioral neuroscientist and a school psychologist. Mon, 27 Jun 2022 19:30:26 GMT /leadership/opinion-this-is-what-happens-to-a-students-brain-when-exposed-to-gun-violence/2022/06 Educators Can Help School Shooting Survivors Recover. A Sandy Hook Mom Explains How /leadership/educators-can-help-school-shooting-survivors-recover-a-sandy-hook-mom-explains-how/2022/06 Michele Gay said academic, mental health, and social supports are crucial for children who survive. Thu, 02 Jun 2022 21:37:47 GMT /leadership/educators-can-help-school-shooting-survivors-recover-a-sandy-hook-mom-explains-how/2022/06